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About us - نوآوران کیهان پلاستیک پارسام
A few years later, at the beginning of the seventies, the second phase, with the expansion of the factory area, the production of nylon in a completely technical and high-quality manner was upgraded to a width of 8 meters for construction, agricultural, greenhouse and health purposes, and in 2012, the production of nylon was expanded to a width of 22 meters. found
Novavaran Kihan Plastic Parsam Company is currently one of the largest and best quality producers of 5-layer and thick nylons in the country; So that the products of this company, in addition to a wide area of ​​our country, export their goods to neighboring countries such as Russia, Tajikistan, Lebanon, Romania, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan.
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